2% from income tax

Information for donating 2% from income tax

To all our friends,

We woud like to thank you for your support in the past and we appreciate your support through the 2% from zour income tax. This zear our project „Zober loptu, nie drogy“ continues in its activities and gives its best to provide a chance for kids to fill their free time with meaningful activities and at the same time build their characters. All this is done for their competitive nature through the most natural form – movement or exercise.

Things we can provide thanks to your decision:

  • the athletic part of the project: gym rentals, referees and officials and coordinators.
  • athletic wear, sporting equipment, balls and tools for each sport.
  • cover the advertising of the project and our anti-drug campaign in media, posters and educational booklets
  • cover the expenses of participation of children from all over Slovakia.


31.3. 2018 – deadline for declaring your taxes as well as 2%. The 2% of tax is a part of the declaring for a legal person. 30.4. 2018 – deadline for employees to declare 2% of their income tax.

We hope that you will show your support for our project by filling in the information listed below in part IV. of the declaring taxes form. It is our obligation to use financial support for sporting and cultural materials.


Employees – uses Vyhlásenie 2015 a Potvrdenie 2015

Natural person:

  1. Daňové priznanie fyzických osôb TYP A
  2. Daňové priznanie fyzických osôb TYP B

Validation for yielding of 3% of tax and minimum of 40 hours of voluntary work:

  1. Potvrdenie od vysielajúcej organizácie 2015
  2. Potvrdenie od prijímateľa dobrovoľníckej činnosti 2015

Legal person:

Declaration of taxes for legal person 2015

Non-profit organization „Zober loptu, nie drogy“ was registered as a non-profit org. providing commonly beneficial services in June 1st, 2013 under the number OVVS/21/2013.

Name: „Zober loptu, nie drogy“, n.o.

Legal form: Non-profit organization

IČO: 45741263

Domicile: Lorinčík 15 , 040 11 Košice

Financial institution: Tatra banka a.s., Bratislava

IBAN: SK54110000000­02923915152