
Who we are?

Who we are?

Non-profit organization Zober loptu, nie drogy (Grab a ball, not drugs) is a direct continuation of the basketball club ŠŠK Slávia Juniorbasket Košice. In the past, the club was developing and organizing athletic activities, above all in the field of youth basketball, in Košice as well as throughout Slovakia in a cooperation with the Slovak Association of Athletic Schools.

2% from income tax
What is our goal today...

What is our goal today...

We want to connect the good feelings and strengthening of health as the results of sport activities by organizing athletic activities and obliterate the need for artificial experience created by drugs. We want to give children a chance to identify with professional athletes as their role models, for example Zuzana Žirková – captain of the Slovak national women basketball team, Richard Štochl – the best handball player and the captian of the national team.

What is the essence of the project?

What is the essence of the project?

Project “Zober loptu, nie drogy” concentrates mainly on these sports: Basketball; Indoor; Football; Handball; Dodgeball; Voleyball; Florball/Hockeyball For the effect of the involvement of the biggest number of children we use a cooperation of schools from those cities or towns. In the event of economical difficulties for the participation of children (socially deprived homes) we use the motivation of financial support for schools with transportation or refreshments for the participants.

Why do we do this?

Why do we do this?

Anti-drug prevention not specified teaches how to manage stress, assertive behavior and self-regard. In the last 5 years this kind of prevention is the most efficient and popular among youth. If this kind of prevention has the right timing, it will have a better effect. That is why our project uses the strategy of athletic activity as the means of prevention.





Tipos Ministerstvo vnútra SRKošický samosprávny kraj

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